Senin, 30 Mei 2011

RI, Malaysia agree to protect traditional fishermen

Antara News, Mon, May 30 2011

Batam, Riau Islands (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Malaysia have agreed to protect their traditional fishermen who have been carried away by sea currents into each other`s territorial waters.

Traditional fisherman at Teluk Nibung,
Padang, West Sumatra. (ANTARA/Iggoy el Fitra)
"In case traditional fishermen cross their countries` sea border unknowingly or by the forces of nature, they will not be captured but ordered to return," Indonesian Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister Fadel Muhammad said here on Monday.

The two countries also agreed to help traditional fishing boats that had gone astray to return to their countries` waters and not to capture or punish them.

Fadel said traditional fishermen never deliberately crossed the border, adding they crossed the border because they had been carried away by sea currents and not because they wanted to fish illegally in another country`s waters.

He said fishermen operating on boats weighing five to 10 GT as traditional boats would be categorized as traditional fishermen.

He said if ships that cross the border are big ships efforts would be made to capture them.

"Boats may be captured if they are big," he said.

The minister said a lot of foreign ships have been poaching fish in the Riau Islands waters so far, mostly from China, Vietnam and Thailand.

Editor: Priyambodo RH

Government prepares US$5 Million to preserve coral reefs

Antara News, Mon, May 30 2011

Related News

Wangi-wangi, SE Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government prepares US$5 million funds for sustainable preservation and management of coral reefs at the world coral triangle in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi.

"The Indonesian government through President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono provides five million dollars for sustainable preservation and management of coral reefs in six countries of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI)," CTI spokesman Imran said in Wakatobi on Sunday.

Speaking at a meeting of the Association of District Administrations (APKASI) Imran said there there were two reasons Indonesia wanted to play a major role in preserving coral reefs in the six CTI member countries.

He said the first was that Indonesia has wider coral reefs than those of the other five other countries and was prepared to turn 20 million hectares of mining areas into national marine parks.

And the second, Indonesian waters have the most diversity of coral reefs namely 70 species of the world`s 850 species.

"The Caribbean sea has only 50 coral reefs and the Red Sea only 300," Imran said.

He added that besides having a very rich variety of coral reefs, Indonesian waters, especially in Wakatobi district, have various natural resource potentials for millions even billions of people.

Therefore, coral reefs in Wakatobi must be protected from damage to make them to remain sustainable for a certain period of time.

"The management and utilization of natural resources in Wakatobi waters at the center of world coral triangle should consider the principles of sustainable use," Imran said.

He said that to support the management and utilization of natural resources in Wakatobi waters, the government of Indonesia through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry would soon establish a Coral Reefs Conservation School in Wakatbi.

The first school in ASEAN and even in the world, was scheduled to be inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with the opening of Sail Wakatobi-Balitung 2011 later.

"The establishment of Coral Reefs Conservation School in Wakatbi is part of the government attention to protecting and preserving the coral reefs from damage," Imran said.

Editor: Ella Syafputri

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Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

World's largest solar-powered boat visits Brisbane 2011-05-29

The world's largest solar-powered boat, the Turanor PlanetSolar, is sailing
into Brisbane, after crossing the Pacific from the Panama Canal, as part
of its quest to become the first fully solar-powered vessel to circumnavigate
around the world.
(Xinhua/AFP Photo)

The world's largest solar-powered boat, the Turanor PlanetSolar, is sailing
into Brisbane, after crossing the Pacific from the Panama Canal.
(Xinhua/AFP Photo)

Editor: Bi Mingxin

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Rumbling volcano blamed for fishkill in Taal Lake 2011-05-29

Tons of dead fish were seen floating on Taal Lake in Talisay, Batangas on
Saturday. Around 700 tons of fish, particularly bangus and tilapia, were
affected due to the rumbling Taal Volcano according to the Philippine
(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Tons of dead fish were seen floating on Taal Lake in Talisay, Batangas
on Saturday.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Tons of dead fish were seen floating on Taal Lake in Talisay, Batangas
on Saturday.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Editor: Bi Mingxin

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Ministry to hold blue revolution forum, expo

Antara News, Sat, May 28 2011

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The marine affairs and fisheries ministry will again hold a forum and expo themed Indonesian Blue Revolution or IBREF 2011.

IBREF 2011 is a forum to promote a change in the developmental paradigm from land-to sea-oriented, and balance between land and marine development, Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad said here Friday when launching the forum and expo.

"The event is also a means to promote the wealth of Indonesia`s marine resources and the beauty of its submarine environment. It will show Indonesia as a strong and great maritime nation," the minister said.

Indonesia must make a breakthrough and a new strategy by revitalizing its economic growth sources and create new economic growth in the marine and fisheries sector.

Indonesia`s marine and fishery resource potentials are still wide open for development through aquaculture, marine tourism, mining, maritime transportation, and development of marine services.

The contribution of the fishery sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010 reached 3.1 percent.

The ministry has set itself the target of increasing the fisheries sectors` contribution to GDP from 3.1 percent to 3.5 percent in 2011.

Fishery exports in 2010 ware estimated to reach a total value of 2.79 billion US dollars, up from 2.46 billion US dollars in 2009.

Sudirman Saad, the ministry`s director general for marine, coastal areas and small islands (KP3K), who is also chairman of the IBREF 2011 organizing committee, said IBREF 2011 is expected to raise the maritime spirit and the marine product management optimally.

Around 60 marine industries will take part in the forum and expo to be held from October 6-9, 2011 at the Jakarta Convention Center.

The ministry held a Blue Revolution Expo 2010 last December with the purpose of showcasing Indonesia`s rich marine resources that have yet to developed optimally.

Editor: Suryanto

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Indonesia receives more cruise ship calls

Antara News, Thu, May 26 2011

According the ministry`s statistical data, Indonesia received 140 calls with 135,608 passengers in 2009; and 213 calls with 127,674 passengers in 2010.

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The number of international cruise ship calls at Indonesia`s harbors has increased significantly over the past three years, an official said.

"Indonesia has become a favorite of world cruise operators, as indicated by the number of cruise ship calls which has gone up over the past three years," the tourism and culture ministry`s marketing director general, Sapta Nirwandar, said here Wednesday.

According the ministry`s statistical data, Indonesia received 140 calls with 135,608 passengers in 2009; and 213 calls with 127,674 passengers in 2010.

In 2011, the country received 189 calls, a decrease, but the number of the passengers was significantly up to 135,608 passengers.

"World cruise operators have shifted to the latest generation cruise ships, namely mega cruise such as `Oasis of the Seas` which can carry 6,360 passengers and 2.165 crew members on board," Sapta said.

Another mega cruise, "Rhapsody of The Seas" belonging to Royal Caribbean International and having a capacity to accommodate 2,435 passengers and 765 crew members, once called at the Lombok harbor recently.

He believed that Indonesia has a better chance to become a world cruise destination with the usage of mega cruise ships.

"However, it is also a challenge for us to prepare adequate facilities and infrastructure," he said.

For that purpose, the ministry will organize a seminar on "Cruise Development of Indonesia: How to Meet The Challenge of The Increasing Tonnage and Capacity of The Cruise Ships" at Sapta Pesona building, here on May 30, 2011.

Speakers of the seminar will include foreign and domestic cruise management consultants, operators and practitioners as well as seaport administrators in Indonesia.

The Culture and Tourism Ministry has set itself the target of 7.7 million foreign tourist arrivals this year.

The number of domestic tourists this year was also expected to increase to 237 million from 234 million in 2010.

Editor: Heru

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Govt aims to produce 4,000 qualified sailors a year

Arghea Desafti, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 05/25/2011

The Transportation Ministry has announced plans to produce 4,000 sailors annually to meet increasing demand.

“We are currently producing 1,500 [graduates] a year from our state-owned sailing academies [STIP]. Hopefully we can increase the number of graduates to 4,000 next year,” Transportation Ministry Education and Training chief Bobby Mamahit said Wednesday at a discussion on improving the quality of human resources in the transportation sector.

Ministry data reveals that Indonesia will require at least 43,800 new sailors over the next five years.

The ministry is currently operating sailing schools in Jakarta, Tangerang, Semarang, Makassar, Surabaya, Barombong and Serang.

“One of the challenges we face is that we are still seeing graduates preferring to work for companies overseas rather than here in [Indonesia]," Bobby said.

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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Danish shipping giant switches to 'green' wood in containers

Deutsche Welle, May 24, 2011

Maersk says 'green' containers are
just part of its strategy
The Copenhagen-based Maersk Line has pledged to stop purchasing containers fitted with floorboards made from uncertified tropical hardwood in a bid to reduce illegal logging in tropical forests and combat climate change.

Denmark's Maersk Line announced on Monday that it was the first shipping company to stop buying containers with floors made from uncertified tropical hardwood.

The Copenhagen-based company, which is also building a new generation of energy-efficient vessels, is charting a course toward greater environmental responsibility throughout its shipping operations.

"So far, much of our focus has been on vessels and using as little fuel as possible," said Jacob Sterling, head of climate and environment at Maersk Line. "But we also need to look at containers."

Shipping firms, including Maersk Line, traditionally use containers fitted with tropical hardwood floors, according to Sterling. "This wood is highly durable and fairly low cost."

About two cubic meters of hardwood are required to produce floors for three 40-foot containers. The container industry uses between 1.2 and 1.5 million cubic meters of hardwood each year.

Maersk says illegal loggers have profited from the shipping industry's demand
for wood for too long

Certified hardwood

Under its new policy, Maersk Line will purchase containers equipped with floors made from either certified tropical hardwood, bamboo or recycled plastics.

All tropical hardwood has to be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. The certification, according to Sterling, requires that wood is harvested in a sustainable way for both the forest and the animals and people living there.

Bamboo is an attractive alternative because it is a fast growing plant and is highly abundant near factories making containers for Maersk Line in China, Sterling said.

The recycled plastic floor material, on the other hand, comes from waste collected through Germany's Grüner Punkt program. "This is a very high-quality floorboard, which is mixed with sawdust," Sterling told Deutsche Welle. "We favor the floors made of recycled plastics but will support the other two because we want to have a choice."

Maersk Line has purchased 64,000 containers that comply with the new policy. Over the next five years, the company plans to purchase up to 3 million containers. It expects to have its entire fleet of containers equipped with environmentally friendly floors within 18 years, the typical lifetime of a container.

Sterling noted that the three alternatives to uncertified hardwood floorboards will initially cost slightly more, but expects prices to drop over time. 

Welcome change

The Maersk initiative has been welcomed by environmental groups such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

"Their conversion to using a globally recognized standard of certification... is a truly substantial contribution to the sustainable management of tropical forests, biodiversity conservation and improving local livelihoods," said Stephen Kelleher, Deputy Head of the Forest Conservation Programme at IUCN.

"Achieving sustainable development and environmental conservation will not be possible without the full engagement of the private sector, and we hope this bold move will inspire other businesses to follow suit - not only within the shipping industry, but across the commercial sector."

Author: John Blau
Editor: Sam Edmonds

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

University rectors invited to formulate fisheries curriculum

Antara News, Mon, May 23 2011

Related News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammand will invite the rectors of a number of higher learning institutes to discuss the inclusion of maritime and fisheries-related subjects in their teaching programs to make them more compatible with the needs of the labor market.

Fadel Muhammad. (ANTARA)
"I will invite the university rectors to formulate curriculum which are adjusted to the labor market`s needs," the minister said here on Monday.

He said that there were complaints at present the subjects taught in universities were often not fit to the needs for a graduate to face employment.

Adjustment to employment is important for university graduates so that their classifications would meet the need of various companies seeking workers.

"We will invite the rectors on Wednesday to discuss this matter," he said adding that the central board of statistics pointed out there were a total of 8.1 unemployed people.

Some of the unemployed people are within the productive age between 20 and 40 years, he said.

Editor: Priyambodo RH

Related Article:

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Fears rise after dead whale found in Loch Carnan

BBC News, 22 May 2011

Related Stories

The body of a pilot whale has been found in a Hebridean sea loch as conservationists fear more animals are at risk of being beached.

Tests will be carried out on the dead whale
A pod of about 60 whales had moved from the shallow waters of Loch Carnan, South Uist, and were swimming south.

But British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) later said the animals had headed back into the loch.

Tests will be carried out on the dead whale and rescuers said they were looking to see if more whales had died.

The animals were first spotted around Loch Carnan on Thursday, sparking fears that they would perish in a mass stranding.

Some of them have injuries to their heads, thought to have been sustained while they were stranded.

'Moving away'

BDMLR's Dave Jarvis said the latest movements of the pod were disappointing.

He said: "Unfortunately the pod of pilot whales that it was hoped were moving away from the sea loch earlier have now returned to their original location.

Wildlife tour operator Steve Duffield captured this
image of the whales
"Personnel were deployed earlier to search for the group that it was hoped were leaving the area, but they were located not far away, from a land vantage point, by BDMLR operations manager Stephen Marsh and SSPCA senior inspector Calum Watt.

"The animals were observed and disappointingly they retraced their route back into the loch. The whales do not currently appear to be agitated.

"Sadly, it is thought that one of the animals may now have died as a body has apparently been seen in the water."

Mr Jarvis has said the whales could only get stranded at one place - a sandy section of beach at the loch. However, other dangers are posed by the rocky coastline, with its many inlets and bays.

Volunteers from the charity will continue to monitor the whales.

Feed on squid

The Scottish Government has also lent rescuers a fisheries protection boat to follow the animals' movements.

At the end of October last year, some pilot whales almost got stranded in the same sea loch. Less than a week later, 33 whales, believed to be the same group, were found dead on a beach in Co Donegal in the Irish Republic.

Pilot whales prefer deep water but come inshore to feed on squid, their main food.

Last week a pilot whale died on Sunday morning after getting stuck in the Sullom Voe inlet in Shetland. An autopsy was carried out on the animal to try to establish why it died but the results are not yet known.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Piracy: IMO (UN) endorses use of armed guards on ships

BBC News, 21 May 2011


The UN's International Maritime Organization (IMO) has endorsed the use of private armed guards to protect ships from piracy.

Anti-piracy patrols off the coast of Somalia
have had limited success
After a meeting in London, the IMO issued guidelines for the use of guards on board ships in areas of high risk, including in the Indian Ocean.

About one in 10 ships off the Somali coast already carry armed guards.

But observers say this number is likely to rise now that the UN has endorsed the practice.

The IMO says there were 489 reports of piracy and armed robbery against ships in 2010 - up more then 20% on 2009.

The areas worst affected were the Indian Ocean, East Africa and the Far East including the South China Sea, South America and the Caribbean.

So far this year more than 200 cases have been reported.

Correspondents say piracy in the Indian Ocean is getting more lucrative and more violent, despite an anti-piracy EU naval force patrolling the area.


The IMO's new recommendations are backed by the independent trade body for security companies operating at sea, the Security Association for the Maritime Industry (Sami), launched last year.

Peter Cook, co-founder of Sami, told the BBC: "The pirates have been killing - they have been torturing and doing fake executions and the level of violence is increasing.

"It is clear that something has got to be done in order for free trade to be able to continue and it is for that reason that the IMO have decided to go down this very unusual route."

The IMO insists that the guidelines are not intended to institutionalise the use of armed, privately contracted security staff on ships and that they do not address all the legal issues that could be linked to their use.

The IMO describes the guidance as "interim recommendations" and says it will review them in September.

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Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

ADB to help improve resources management in coral triangle

Antara News, Fri, May 20 2011

"The project aims to strengthen national and local institutions for sustainable coastal and marine ecosystem management and to establish support mechanisms for sustainable livelihoods in coastal communities," said Kunio Senga, Director General of ADB`s South East Asia Department.

Related News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved assistance of around $12 million for the Coastal and Marine Resources Management Project in Coral Triangle member countries, including Indonesia.

The ADB will help improve the management of the Coral Triangle`s rich resources and provide job alternatives for people living in the coastal areas, according to the Manila-based ADB in a press statement here Friday.

"The project aims to strengthen national and local institutions for sustainable coastal and marine ecosystem management and to establish support mechanisms for sustainable livelihoods in coastal communities," said Kunio Senga, Director General of ADB`s South East Asia Department.

The assistance includes a $1 million grant from ADB`s concessional Technical Assistance Special Fund, and $11.2 million in co-financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The governments of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines will provide $3 million in non-cash contributions.

The Coral Triangle, known as the "Amazon of the Seas" and one of the world`s most diverse and threatened marine ecosystems, encompasses ocean areas in six countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Its resources are critical for the economic and food security of an estimated 120 million people. These resources are at immediate risk from a range of factors, including the impacts of climate change and unsustainable fishing methods.

Assessments of the Coral Triangle show that up to 88% of reefs are under threat from harmful human activities, resulting in major losses for the fishing and tourism industries.

The project, which is targeted at Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, will strengthen management of marine resources by funding activities that build up the capacity of oversight institutions.

It complements ongoing projects worth $15.05 million, co-financed by ADB and GEF, to assist Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon Islands and Timor Leste in fulfilling their Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) objectives, as well as engage Fiji and Vanuatu in these efforts.

The Coral Triangle covers 5.7 million square kilometers of ocean waters in Indonesia, Malaysia, PNG, the Philippines, Solomon Island, and Timor Leste.

The implementing agencies for the project, which is due for completion in June 2015, are the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia; National Oceanography Directorate-Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia; and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines.

Editor: Ella Syafputri

Minister, ambassador launch Coral Reef and Climate Change Guide

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 05/20/2011

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad and Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty on Friday launched the Indonesian version of the University of Queensland’s publication Coral Reefs and Climate Change: A Guide for Education and Awareness.

Fadel, working in collaboration with the University of Queensland, had arranged for the book to be translated into Indonesian.

“Australia is widely recognized for its world-class research in environmental sciences. We are pleased that through this book we will be able to contribute and work together in conserving the beautiful reefs of Indonesia,” Moriarty said in a release received by The Jakarta Post on Friday.

The book aims to increase awareness of coral reef science and preservation. It includes recent scientific research with informative images and covers topics including oceanography, coral reef biology and the implications of climate change.

It provides practical tools and recommendations to chart and measure the health of coral reefs and a program to encourage public involvement in reef conservation.

The original publication was launched in Australia in November 2009 and was produced and published by the Coral Watch Foundation at the University of Queensland.

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Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

China sets up first 7 national ocean parks   2011-05-19

BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's State Oceanic Administration (SOA) announced Thursday that the country has named its first seven national ocean parks to ensure sound ecological environment and sustainable development for coastal tourism.

The seven parks are sprawled along China's coastal areas, with two in Guangdong, two in Shandong, and one in Guangxi, Fujian and Jiangsu, respectively, SOA spokesman Li Haiqing said at a press conference.

According to the SOA, the largest park covers an area of 51,455 hectares and is located in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province.

The SOA also announced the expansion and improvement of five national special marine reserves in eastern Shandong Province.

Chen Liqun, an official with the SOA's environmental protection and management bureau, said the parks and reserves will coordinate oceanic ecological protection with the use of oceanic resources.

"The national ocean parks, which provide beautiful beach resorts for the public, can promote marine eco-environment protection and facilitate sustainable development of coastal tourism," Chen explained.

China established its first national special marine reserve in 2005. With the newly-announced projects, it now has 21 national special marine reserves and seven national ocean parks, covering a total area of nearly 360,000 hectares, SOA figures show.

In addition, the country also has 33 national marine nature reserves.

In contrast to marine nature reserves, which ban or restrict exploitation, special marine reserves and ocean parks are permitted to be developed in a scientific way under the principles of scientific planning, unified management, and a protection-first philosophy with appropriate utilization.

Editor: An

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

RI fears disruption to tuna sales after dolphin allegations

Erwida Maulia, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta, Wed, 05/18/2011

Indonesian authorities have expressed concerns that allegations its longline vessels use dolphins meat as bait in tuna fishing could disrupt the local tuna export industry.

The allegations were made recently by the US-based Friends of the Sea organization and Earth Island Institute, which release Dolphin Safe labels for tuna products, indicating that tuna has been caught without harming or killing dolphins.

While the US is not Indonesia's main tuna export destination, authorities have warned that the accusation could harm Indonesia's tuna markets in other countries, especially Europe.

Until now, the Euro zone has been among Indonesia's top export destinations for Indonesian tuna products after Japan and South Korea.

"The NGOs [that made the allegations] are US-based, but they can put strong pressure on Europe," Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry fishery resources director Agus Apun Budhiman said Wednesday in Jakarta.

"We don't want these allegations to disrupt our tuna sales ... If they continue to attack, we'll take this case to the annual tuna meetings," he said.

Agus was referring to the annual meetings of the West and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, and the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.

He said he was confident the commissions would support Indonesia in the case given the country's important position in the global tuna production, with its waters, especially the Banda Sea, being the world's "tuna barn".

Indonesia has enjoyed an increase in tuna exports along with increases in tuna production over the past few years.

In 2008, Indonesia produced 490,942 tons of tuna; in 2009 it produced 541,303 tons; and in 2010, 577,430 tons.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Maluku needs Rp 17.51t for marine resources management

The Jakarta Post, Antara, Ambon | Tue, 05/17/2011

The eastern Indonesian Province of Maluku until 2016 needs a total funds of Rp17.51 trillion for its local marine and fishery resources management program.

"Such an amount of funds is needed for the programs of capture fisheries development, fish cultivation, fish processing, post harvest, fishery resources conservation, and marine and fisheries research and technology," local maritime and fisheries office spokesman Bastian Mainassy said here on Tuesday.

He said that of the Rp17.51 trillion of funds, Rp5.43 billion would be allocated to capture fisheries, Rp4.49 trillion for fish and seaweed cultivation, Rp2.56 trillion for processing fish and seaweed processing factories and their facilities, Rp2.41 trillion for human resources development, and Rp2.61 trillion for for researches.

Bastian said the need of the funds had been conveyed to Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry to be accommodated in the state budget with the involvement of private companies.

"We have the potential for sustainable fish around 1.64 million tons per year or 26.3 percent of the national fish but only 300 to 500 tons have been used per year," he said.

Bastian said Maluku fish potential was also supported by fish cultivation areas of 495,300 hectares, fresh water fish cultivation area of 36,251 hectares, and swampy water cultivation area of 191,150 hectares.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Turtle poaching still rampant on Enggano Island

Antara News, Mon, May 16 2011

Turtle poaching activities on Enggano Island was a big concern because the animal was used not only for traditional ceremonies but for commercial purposes as well.

Related News

Bengkulu, Sumatra (ANTARA News) - Turtle poaching and illegal trading are still rampant on Enggano island North Bengkulu District, Bengkulu Province, Sumatra Island, a local resident said

"Last week, a 100-kg leatherback sea turtle was poached and its meat was sold, while its shell was thrown away into the sea," Zulvan Zaviery, a resident of Enggano, said here Monday.

Turtle poaching activities on Enggano Island was a big concern because the animal was used not only for traditional ceremonies but for commercial purposes as well, he said.

In fact, turtle meat was not a must in a traditional ceremony menu, he said, adding, however, poaching continued.

Head of the Enggano Island Nature Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Rendra Regen Rais said turtle poaching on the country`s outer most island was very rampant.

The population of turtle on the island has dropped drastically due to massive poaching activities for commercial purposes, according to him.

Enggano Island beach is the habitat of several turtles which lay eggs there. Besides poaching, lizards and wild boars also eat turtle eggs.

According to data of BKSDA, there are five species of endangered turtle in Bengkulu waters, namely leatherback turtle, green turtle, hawksbill turtle, Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta), and ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).

Editor: Ella Syafputri
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