Antara News, Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:07 WIB
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Micro-algae (phytoplankton) photo-bio-reactor designed by Technology Application and Assessment Agency (BPPT) can absorb 90 percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) from factory chimneys, researcher Nugroho Raharjo said in an exhibition of technology held by the agency here.
"The research showed, for instance, that of 100 ppm (part per million) of carbon producing, 90 ppm are received by micro-algae," the BPPT researcher said.
The photo-bioreactor, he said, is used to react to organism by using solar power. The organism applied in the study is Chlorella sp which employs CO2 to release oxygen (O2) in its photosynthesis.
BPPT has examined two kinds of photo-bio-reactors for two years, namely single tubular airlift photo-bio-reactor (STAP) in 2008, and multi-tubular airlift photo-bio-reactor (MTAP) in 2009 and 2010.
MTAP is able to absorb 1 gram of CO2 per liter of micro-algae culture medium per day, so that 105 liters of one unit of MTAP with seven cells (tubules) can absorb 105 gram of CO2 per day.
The micro-algae culture advantages in photo-bio-reactor process are remained sterile, production controlled, flexible for industry and land-saving.
"Industrial emission is injected to the photo-bioreactor which is placed in a factory`s emission disposal. It will take the carbon in, so that the CO2 in the atmosphere will be reduced," he added.
He also said that the emissions from chimneys will be aspirated by the compressor, then put in a container and distributed to photo-bio-reactor acrylic tubes for processing. The pipes can be expanded for big factories producing more emissions.
Micro-algae culture in photo-bioreactor, besides reducing emissions, also produced oxygen and micro-algae bio-mass.
"If the micro-algae can no longer absorb CO2, they will be seeded to produce new micro-algae, which will take CO2 more actively. The micro-algae seeding can be done twice each day," he said.
Nugroho said the usage of micro-algae to clean CO2 is cheaper than conventional use of carbon cleaning, since it will need Rp50 million to create a photo-bioreactor prototype.
This photo-bioreactor has been used for the emission disposal of Indolacto dairy in Ciracas. ABC battery factory will also apply the photo-bioreactor, according to him.
Nugroho said BPPT will conduct other micro-algae research work to absorb methane produced by rubbish , which is 21 times more dangerous than CO2.