Selasa, 23 November 2010

Seaweed Production Provides Alternative Income for Fishpond Farmers

Tempo Interactive, Tuesday, 23 November, 2010 | 15:24 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Brebes: Seaweed cultivation in Brebes has saved the economy of fishpond farmers, whose ponds have been inundated by sea water since the beginning of last year. “We survived by letting seaweed grow, and fortunately the price is currently improving,” said Wirangrong Renggolo, Tambak Mina Mandiri Farmers’ Group Chief in Randusanga Kulon, Brebes.

According to Wirangrong, seaweed cultivation has become their alternative source of income. “We still hope to raise fish again. Seaweed is only for our survival,” he said yesterday.

Muhammad Supriyono, the Brebes Disaster Management Agency executive director, following the fishpond farmers’ complaint, said he will immediately coordinate with related offices to save the residents’ ponds. “This involves the public works and irrigation offices,” he said. Since the regent position is still vacant, this issue is being handled by simple methods.

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