Selasa, 12 April 2011

Lampung University students to transplant coral reefs

Antara News, Tue, April 12 2011

"In this time the forests became subjected conservation, and wish to try to do this at sea."

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Bandarlampung, Lampung (ANTARA News) - Students of the Biology Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Lampung (Unila), will transplant coral reefs in Lampung Bay, the work coordinator Novriadi said here Tuesday.

(ANTARA Photo/Rosa Panggabean)
The activity is the one of the Natural Resources Conservation Week (PKSDA) XV themed "Enhancing Public Awareness and Concern for the Importance of Education and Marine Conservation for a Better Future."

"In this time the forests became subjected conservation, and wish to try to do this at sea," he added.

He said at least 50 divers will be involved, but only 10 with a job of transplanting are certified.

He said that the divers who with the job of transplanting will write their names on the reefs which are not harmful to the coral reefs and other biota.

"The observation will be conducted once in every three months," Novriadi explained .

He added, the activity would be conducted on April 18, 2011 in Ringgung beach, Pesawaran district, with at least 72 organisms to be grown and develop.

In addition, the other activities in the Natural Resources Conservation Week include environmental action themed "Show Real Action in Our Sea" and under a water photography contest themed "My Million Marine Charms of Nature".

The other activities are coloring and a drawing contest themed "Save Coral Reefs Now For Future Marine Life", Friday Good Day themed Toward the (Clean Environment) BERLIN Sea and cabaret "My sea my heart, my reef and my guardian."

"The participants of the coral transplantation are students, lecturers and diving clubs in Indonesia, while the environmental action involved high school students, college students, and other people. The conservation photography contest is followed by the Bandar Lampung people," Novriadi noted.

Meanwhile the coloring contest is for kindergarten and the drawing contest for elementary school students.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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