Rabu, 23 November 2011

ANP says suspends Chevron drilling rights in Brazil

Reuters, SAOPAULO, Wed Nov 23, 2011

An aerialview shows oil that seeped from a well operated by Chevron at Frade,
 on thewaters in Campos Basin in Rio de Janeiro state November 18, 2011. 
(Credit:Reuters/Rogerio Santana/Handout)

(Reuters) -Brazil's National Oil Regulator (ANP) said on Wednesday that it is suspendingthe drilling rights of U.S. oil major Chevron in national territory until itclarifies conditions of the recent oil spill in its Frade field.

The ANPalso said it has denied Chevron's request to drill into ultra-deep subsaltareas, which hold huge deposits of oil off Brazil's coast.

(Reporting by Reese Ewing)

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